
New Resolution! New Hope!~ A new ME? (probably not )

First of all, thank you for all your support. I felt soooooo much better after reading ur messages. I don't know how to express my appreciation, all know me well, I LOVE U for being there.

It's been a Fantastic year in 2006: i finally got my BA degree and started MA in Oct; Mom, Zumei and I traveled around almost half of the UK; a coach full of nice people from the parish had a trip around Formosa Island with thanks to Mom's careful planning; 78 sis' Circus 綠島小夜曲;Square started his service in 馬祖(eventually); Lu came to celebrate x'mas with me and we drew a wonderful ending for 2006 and embrace a brand new 2007. All in all, I still have vivid memories for each occasions and will keep them in my mind forever.

But now, the thing I want most is to pray for my beloved Grandpa who has been ill for almost three years but still have been so courageous for his offspring. He has devoted all his life to deliver the message of God and spent most of his time helping others. Even in the end of his life, he sacrifices himself and takes all the suffering from us in order to release his offsprings from the sins we committed. Gramdpa became blind two years ago and one of the thing he enjoyed most, when he was still conscious, was reading. Imagine, how do you feel when your favorite thing is taken for good?? Would you still be happy? Would you still be willing to smile to other people? Would you be brave enough to face the life awaiting ahead of you? Gradpa has done all this since the first sign of blindness. Only, he has been quieter and quieter every day. All his family are aching for him at this moment. Every time we hear him moaning when nurses change the bandage on his bedsores, tears are dripping on our faces. We know he is in massive pain, but we don’t want him to leave this world forever. It’s cruel, to keep him alive with the oxygen mask, when we understand Gradpa has desire to leave this life and follow the path of God in Heaven. Now all his family pray for him. We pray that he will soon free of sufferings. We pray that God can lead him to Heaven and let him get what he deserves. And he deserves the best.

I love you, Grandpa.


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