目前分類:旅遊Travel (10)

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There’s so much to say

But I don’t know how to put it down in words

The frequency of daydreaming is getting higher and higher

Mind just goes wandering about without giving a darn to the reality

Good? or Bad?

Nobody can judge me apart from God and myself.


I’m drunk

I’m drunk

I’m drunk

I’ve just drunk like...4, or 5 glasses of Korean sake

It tastes good though.

Ha! Got drunk at the first night in Korea! How cool is that!


Tengo muchos miedos de algunas personas... No sé qué puedo hacer!

Don’t be afraid, hun. Just be true and honest to yourself, and everything will be alright, right?




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  • Feb 10 Sat 2007 06:33

龐金工作室 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

Gees, 78 sis just planning to have the circus summer nites in Green Island, and now, what the hech is that? Triplets typhoons in the eastern ocean~~ Come on, don't joke on us. I really wanna meet up with 78 gals. Please my Lord, divert those typhoons to where there's no people; let the typhoons hurt nobody, destroy nothing. May you bless us and everyone on Formosa. Glorious God may hear us. Amen.

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7月5日: 寶貝媽子和表妹下午7點15分抵達倫敦太期待了,儘管要開近4個小時的車也不在意
              約克-倫敦希斯洛機場 (334.9 公里, 3小時50分鐘車程)

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National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham is massive.I thought once entering NEC, everything would be alright.I was so wrong. One can definitely get lost inside NEC as it is the biggest exhibition centre all over the UK.My car park was still around a kilometer away from the exhibition hall...
dear...it's a good exercise though.

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So impressed by the efficiency of the French Embassy this time.
From the time I sent the VISA application form until i received my passport back (which was just 3 mins ago), it only took less than 2 weeks. And whats more, i got the 6 months long visa with 90 days staying duration. Sooooo amazingly cool.

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Angela ,一個從汶萊Brunei來的中學老師, 才剛從我們家離開。聊天很多,雖然一個學期都快過了,現在才開始慢慢了解她。她已經是三個小女孩的媽媽了,沒有聽她提起她丈夫,也許有其他原因吧。

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This time, I went to a very strange place called “Brough”.


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