
This time, I went to a very strange place called “Brough”.


A pop quiz for you before my story: How would you pronounce “Brough” if you see this word for the first time?


Well, for me, I just followed my instinct and pronounced it something like /Bra/. Haha, yeah, as women’s bra~ which sounded very horny, especially when you spoke to the person who sold you the ticket that you were going to “bra” @@ It’s just hilarious. Well, I learned my lesson from the embarrassment. Its pronunciation actually is /braf/. (where on earth will this place be?)


To be honest, Brogh wasn’t that important at all during this trip, coz Emma (my host family, I wouldn’t call her my host mother since she is only 20ish in her age, amazingly young) and I spent most of time in Beverly. It just the name itself was a big laugh and note-worthy.


Beverly, (sadly, it’s not the posh Beverly Hills in the States as you think), is only a small lovely town in East Yorkshire near Hull. It’s like a smaller version of York. It has Minster, the Viking age North Bar, and a couple of traditional markets. All the things there are so much cheaper than those of York. Gees~~ I wish I lived there…Still, I got myself a nice bag for only £8.30 (about NT$480), which usually costs around £20 (NT$1200) in York.


星期五晚上愛瑪和我去看童話劇(pantomime)羅賓漢的故事”(“Babes in the Wood”)。童話劇只有在聖誕節附近才看得到,它是一種與觀眾互動頻率極高的戲劇,非常搞笑,而且適合闔家觀賞。雖然我們這次看的只是業餘表演,可是聽愛瑪說他們的水準算很高的,因為不管是服裝道具,或是燈光音樂(全都是現場管弦樂演奏哦),都令人讚嘆不已! 我邊看邊想到2年前的畢業公演Noises Off,我猜Lu & Rosa一定會很愛英國的童話劇,因為裡面有很多無厘頭搞笑的東西,但又不失深度。只可惜那裡禁止錄影,不然我早就錄下來讓相輔相成姐妹享受了!不過還是有幾張經典照片在相簿裡找得到地。




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