Catching a cold again.
This time, it's a bit more serious, as I couldn't even breathe when talking to the customers. I asked to finish the shift 2 hours earlier, but the answer from the manager was a resolute 'NO'.
'How can I survive like this? I even start giving the wrong change to the customer,' talking to myself.
It's 10.15pm at that time.
Caroline looked at me with worry. She was the one helped me ask to leave earlier.
'Lemme know when you can't stand for this any longer. Just sit there and look pretty. Don't do too much work. ok?' she told me.
Simple words, but touching. Even though feeling so sick, but the kindness from a colleague  supported me to keep going. Every 10 minutes, they came back and checked if I was alright. Weren't they sweet?
ASDA in York is a awesome place to work, there are loads of nice people out there. Thank you, everyone, for helping me out when I don't know how to use the till, for giving me a hand when I am unwell, and for all the kindness you've shown me when i work there.
The world is still full of lovely people everywhere.

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