2 shows in a day... my head was crammed, as Susanna said.
GNER was a real crap. 65 minutes delay of my train. I nearly missed the matinee for Les Misarable, which I paid 50 quids for the ticket. What a relief when I finally made it to the theatre with unstoppable sweat dripping down all over my face and neck. Oh man, i wished i could have a shower there. Thank God the air conditioning in the theatre was great, all the sticky feeling just gone in seconds.
Les Miserable... what can i say about this musical?! LES MISÉRABLES is the third longest-running show in Broadway history and will, on October 9, pass the 21 year old record of Cats in London to become the longest-running musical ever on the West End or Broadway with 8,372 performances; a run nearly three years longer than Broadway’s record-holder. It's romantic, powerful, sorrowful, and emotional. Everyone can find something impressive and unforgettable in the play. The couple sat next to me had seen Les Miserables twice, they came all the way from the south coast just to see this musical. There are more and more stories I've heard about people seeing this play again again and again without tiredness and boredom. I remember Kaori used to love this play and cry every time she watched it. This musical reminds me of you.
After the show I had a dreadful meal in Chinatown. The noodle was tasteless and the beef was fatty. I seldom have good luck of ordering meal. After taking the luggage back to the hostel, i strolled around convent garden and suddenly saw the poster of STOMP with "discount ticket today" label. Oh dear, it's so tempting. I liked the show so much when watching it first time in New York just a month and half ago. The angle and devil in my mind were fighting over whether to go or not; "you should go back to the hostel earlier and finish writing ur project" vs "grab the cheap ticket at once otherwise u'll regret it when u go back"... well, obviously the devil won or i wouldn't even write this story up.
I didn't regret it at all when I arrived the theatre. The grandeur of the theatre itself was breathtaking. The deafening beats of pots, bins, sinks and all sorts of daily utensils, were full of spirit and naughtiness. The creativity surprised all the audience and made us laugh. So energetic and playful that I totally forgot the burden on my shoulder. Only the feeling of enjoyment and rhythms was with me. It was, however, hard not to prejudice against the show when I already saw one in Broadway. Stomp in New York has been running the show since 1994, London West End only recently opens this show. The show somehow seemed shorter and less coherent comparing to the one of Broadway. I don't mean it's not good, no, not at all, it actually made my day and I felt absolutely great and high-spirited afterwards. It's just ... different, slightly. But I definitely recommend it wholeheartedly. Just lovin' it. I don't mind to see it again next time when i'm in London.

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